
Board of Governors

The main responsibility of the Board is to provide the overall management of the school, as well as to establish a medium- and long term strategy for the school.

The Board of Governors consists of five members, all of whom serve on a voluntary basis. Three of the members are appointed and two are elected by the parents, all for a period of two years.

The main responsibility of the Board is to provide the overall management of the school, as well as to establish a medium- and long term strategy for the school. The Board is responsible to the Ministry of Education for the financial management of the school and works together with the Principal and the CFO to ensure that the government educational subsidy and the school fees are used correctly and are audited annually. In addition, the Board is responsible for the employment of teaching and administrative staff, and also for the dismissal of staff.

The Board ensures that the Roman Catholic ethos, upon which the school was founded, is upheld.

Board meetings are held approximately 4 times per term. In addition, ad hoc meetings are occasionally called. The school management and teacher representatives normally attend the board meetings.

If you wish to contact one of the Board members, please ask the school office for contact information.

Board members

Stefan Kreisberg


  • Member of the Board since 2010.
  • Appointed by the parishes of Saint Andreas and Saint Therese.
  • Has three children in the Danish department.
  • Software Engineer with FTF -A.
  • Cand.IT (IT -Universitety of Copenhagen).
  • Bsc. Computer Science/ Musical Science ( KU).
  • Studied Project Management at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.
  • Studied Functional Programming Principles at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne.

Damian Arguimbau

Vice chairman

  • Partner at Maximize Consult ApS
  • Wide experience with people management, contract negotiation, handling the client/customer relationship and programme, portfolio and project management with a focus on stakeholder and risk management.
  • Analytical and innovative with an appreciation for both the overall picture and the detail.
  • Specialities: Project management, programme and portfolio management, work optimizations, design and implementation of project guidelines in organisations, and reviews.

Maria Luisa Højbjerg

Board member

  • Deputy Director of Communication and IT at Ældresagen
  • Cand.Scient.Pol in Political Science and Government from Copenhagen University
  • Speaks 5 languages: English, Spanish, Danish, French and Portugese
  • Appointed to the board by the Pastoral Council in October, 2020

Supratim Chakraborty

Board member

  • Chosen by the parents of the international department
  • Father of one child in Rygaards International School
  • Works as a Senior Manager with Genmab
  • Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School
  • Keeps active by cycling, running and playing table tennis

Thereza Giver Jensen

Board member

  • Elected by the parents of the Danish department in April, 2022
  • Deputy Headmaster at Atheneskolen in Copenhagen
  • Extensive management experience from state and independent private schools
  • Originally teacher trained in the subjects Danish and Religion
  • Further educated in management
  • Mother of three children, of whom the two eldest are attending Rygaard’s School in the Danish department