International Parents' Committee (IPC)
International Department, Rygaards School rules of the Parents’ Committee as of May 2020
Aims and Objectives
The IPC welcomes families into the Rygaards community and plans events and functions for students and their families to foster academic excellence, cultural diversity and friendships.
The IPC works in co-operation with Rygaards School to achieve the followings:
1. To foster and create a greater sense of ‘community’ within the school;
2. To support the school mission and vision
3. To organise social events for students, parents and teachers; and
4. To arrange and encourage fund-raising activities in support of:
- Additional/enhanced school provisions such as provision of library, reference books, educational aids, equipment or facilities.
- Other charitable projects which the school, teachers, pupils or association members may wish to support.
5. To promote parental involvement and volunteerism.
Every parent or guardian of a pupil in the International Department of Rygaards is a member of the association whilst they have a child at the school. An annual subscription payment is automatically included in the school fees and collected by the school on behalf of the IPC. The fee amount is determined in agreement between the IPC and school and charged once per family per calendar year. Membership of the association is automatically terminated when the member ceases to have a pupil enrolled at the school.
For more information, download the Constitution of the International Parents’ Committee (IPC) below.
IPC Chair
IPC Co-Chair
IPC Secretary
IPC Treasurer
IPC Assistant Treasurer
IPC Communications Officer
IPC Assistant Treasurer (Shadow)
Please feel free to contact any member of the IPC via