Christian Values Programme

Through our Values programme, we focus on one value every half term

Four Values given in relation to the school’s motto, “Semper Ardens;”

From August to October holiday: Co-operation 
From after October holiday to Christmas: Generosity 
From Christmas to Easter: Thankfulness 
From Easter to Summer: Hope 

Four Values corresponding with the text of “The Founding Principles of Rygaards School;”

From August to October holiday: Caring
From after October holiday to Christmas: Peace
From Christmas to Easter: Forgiveness
From Easter to Summer: Responsibility

Four of the Values corresponding with the text of the school’s logo;

From August to October holiday: Friendship
From after October holiday to Christmas: Joy
From Christmas to Easter: Commitment
From Easter to Summer: Trust

From August to October holiday: Respect (from Rygaards’ Founding Principles)
From after October holiday to Christmas: Truth (from Marie Eugenie’s philosophy of education)
From Christmas to Easter: Courage (from the School’s logo)
From Easter to Summer: Vision (from the school’s motto)