
Students from Rygaards School Impress at Math Kangaroo Competition

The third Thursday in March is a special day for math enthusiasts. Internationally, around 6 million students from over 100 countries gather for the annual mathematics competition, Math Kangaroo. This year, 525 classes (grades 4-9) from 132 schools in Denmark participated. Rygaards School was one of them, and we beam with pride over the results.

The Kangaroo competition is known for its unique and challenging tasks, which not only test students’ mathematical abilities but also aim to stimulate their curiosity and interest in the subject. Students must individually solve a set of tasks within a time limit of 60 minutes. For grades 4-5, the set consists of 21 tasks, while there are 24 tasks for grades 6-9.

Great Results
The students at Rygaards School performed excellently in the competition. At the national level, four classes from Rygaards School achieved second place in their grade level in the competition.

Rygaards School extends hearty congratulations to the students for their dedication and achievements. And thank you to the teachers for their dedication and guidance.

Let us continue to encourage and support our students in their passion for learning and their ability to tackle challenges.