Victorian Day

On June 8 the students from Year 2 traveled back into time, to experience school in the Victorian era.

Thursday, June 8, our year 2 students took a fascinating journey back in time to experience school life in the Victorian era. Stern looking teachers dressed in period attire greeted them at the door to the classroom, where they ligned up and showed their hands, to make sure they were clean enough for school. The students were also dressed in their best Victorian garbs, complete with top hats, waist coats, and bonnets.

This is a tradition in Year 2, that shows the children how far we have come, not only with the materials we use in class, but also the tone and atmosphere of the classroom.

Let’s congratulate our amazing Year 2 students for their curiosity, creativity, and willingness to step out of their comfort zones. Thank you to the dedicated teachers of Rygaards School for organizing such a memorable and educational adventure.