New Podcast about the School!
Listen to our podcast about Rygaards School, and get knowledge about the school’s history, values, and spirit.
Teaching Effectiveness and Grade Average
Rygaards School ranks as one of the country’s best schools with impressive results both in teaching effectiveness and grade average.
Students from Rygaards School Impress at Math Kangaroo Competition
The third Thursday in March is a special day for math enthusiasts. Internationally, around 6 million students from over 100 countries gather for the annual mathematics competition, Math Kangaroo. This year, 525 classes (grades 4-9) from 132 schools in Denmark participated. Rygaards School was one of them, and we beam with pride over the results.
Information about a data breach at one of the school’s business partners
Information about a data breach at one of the school’s business partners
Alumni day
We look forward to welcoming back former students and staff to visit the school.
Rygaards Garden
Just off to the side of the Park, behind the basket ball court, is the Rygaards Garden.
Victorian Day
On June 8 the students from Year 2 traveled back into time, to experience school in the Victorian era.
Last school day for year 11
Last day of classes for the students from Year 11.
Earth Day
Celebrating Earth Day with a spectacular hat parade.
A glimpse inside
We are proud to present to you these new films about our International Department, our Danish Department, and our Danish Indskoling. Watch them and get a glimpse inside our everyday life and the atmosphere here at Rygaards.