Rygaards School is a Christian Green School
The work that the Environmental Task Force (ETF) has done over the last six years has earned Rygaards School a place on the list of Green Schools.
Skolestart – et nyt kapitel
Når vi kigger rundt på vores skole, så kan vi både se og høre vores elever vende tilbage med smil, latter og glæde – alle klar til at starte endnu et godt skoleår. Selvom denne…
Starting School – a New Chapter
Looking around our campus, we can both see and hear our pupils return with smiles, laughter, and joy – all ready to start and embrace yet another great school year. While this…. [continue reading]
Rygaards Leads the Way with The Duke of Edinburgh International Award
The 15 enthusiastic Year 10 students and their two inspirational Award Leaders, Emily Brown and Richard Page found their ways to navigate the process of achieving the Bronze of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award … [continue reading]
Our Values and Community in Times of Uncertainty
Our values and community can help and guide us through challenging and uncertain times. One of the biggest challenges we are facing right now … [continue reading]
Vores værdier og fællesskab i usikre tider
Vores værdier og fællesskab kan hjælpe og guide os gennem de udfordringer, som vi står overfor. En af de største udfordringer lige nu …